Saturday 12th April 2014 saw a small number of dedicated and hard-working RRT members come together at the entrance of the Sandon village on the Woodhill road (on the east of the A12). The volunteers meticulously cleaned the white slatted fencing and signage above as well as cutting back and pruning the adjacent shrubbery. Additional tidying up and making good  to the grass areas adjacent to the entrance, as well as weeding around the base of the signage, was carried out at the same time.

The work was carried out in an attempt to restore the village entrance to its former glory following concerns voiced by some nearby residents as to the state that the signage had got into in recent months

This work was a small part of activities carried out by the RRT, an entirely voluntary charitable organisation that exists for the benefit of the public. members are mainly young, and are very friendly and enthusiastic.

We look forward to working with you!

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