NZ – RRT New Plymouth join the Relay for Life premier fundraising event March 2016

Saturday 5 March 2016: the Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Event at Pukekura Raceway, New Plymouth. Relay for Life is the Cancer Society’s premier fundraising/awareness event and probably New Zealand’s biggest charity event of any kind.
This year 17 Relay for Life events are held in different New Zealand towns and cities.
RRT set up at the Relay for Life event in New Plymouth The event begins and pipe band leads the walk around the trackThe New Plymouth RRT team really enjoyed the day out, serving up water and hamburgers—very tasty, five dollars each. RRT donated all the trimmings and everything received went to the Cancer Society, raising $1,114.80 give or take a few cents.
In addition, RRT staffers served at a dinner for about 70 cancer survivors, their carers and relatives, helped out directing the parking, and served up a meal for the support crew.
Service with a smile – RRT serves pulled lamb pittas to attendees RRT volunteers assist with directing trafficLovely weather, sunny, not too hot, a nice breeze made it a really good community day. All sectors of the community turned out in support of the event—school teams, families, cancer survivors old and young.
Thanks to Meg Rodel for your kind words of appreciation for our efforts—we loved it. RRT was pleased to be one of the many groups helping out at this excellent local community event in support of a very worthy charity.