NZ – Alzheimers Awareness Month supported by RRT in Maungaturoto
During the month of September, organisations throughout New Zealand raise awareness for citizens who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In Maungaturoto, a local resident whose husband suffers from this dreadful disease was looking for support to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. She spoke to members of the Plymouth Brethren Church, requesting their assistance.
On Friday the 18th of September the RRT team set up a BBQ outside a busy local store and sold hot food to store patrons in order to raise much needed funds.
Raffle tickets were also available for purchase – an initiative which met with tremendous success.
RRT sold hot food in the town centreAlzheimer’s is a specific form of dementia with no known cure, and it is affecting millions of lives around the world. The Alzheimer’s Society does a fantastic job of supporting those in need, but as in all good causes, there is always a need for funds if the assistance is to continue.
It was a very rewarding experience for the Rapid Relief Team, who were very impressed with the way the public responded with such generosity and sympathy for the cause. Causes like these deserve all the support they get, as almost everyone either has a family member or knows someone who is affected by some form of dementia.
The research the Alzheimer’s Foundation is doing to ease the suffering of those afflicted with this debilitating disease and find a way to cure it is remarkable and they have heartfelt support of RRT and the Plymouth Brethren Church.
From the Maungaturoto Rapid Relief Team – thank you for the opportunity to help.