The Urban Hope Centre in Cambridge Ontario, Canada, provides food, clothing and friendship to the homeless and those in need.  Twice a week they provide free hot meals, haircuts, laundering services and showers to the homeless, with a vision to offering these services daily.  On February 20th, 2016 the Urban Hope Centre held the “Coldest night of the year” event, a walk to raise awareness and much needed funds.

Walkers resting and enjoying a hot meal after the walk

The walk started at 5pm and ended at 8pm at the Urban Hope Centre with the option of walking 2, 5, or 10km. This fundraising event was held on the same day in 92 locations across Canada and raised over 3 million dollars to help support the homeless!  The Cambridge walk raised over $43,000.  These funds will be used to expand and improve the kitchen at Urban Hope.

27 Galt RRT volunteers were privileged to assist with the set up and coordination of the walk.

Serving hot soups and chili to the participants RRT assisting with the registration of the participants

The RRT helped with parking, greeting, registration, collecting and counting of donations and route marshalling for the 240 walkers who braved the winter elements to show their support.  There were 2 rest stops along the route, both Starbucks coffee shop locations who generously donated their space, where the RRT served the walkers refreshments including hot chocolate, water and granola bars.

Serving hot beverages to the cold walkers An assortment of sweets were available during dinner

Upon return to Urban Hope, the walkers were heartily congratulated and served a warm meal.  The RRT assisted with serving hot chili, a variety of soups, bread rolls, and cookies.  As the night came to a close the RRT helped with collecting the signs and supplies along the route as well as clearing up the dining area.

Some of the many RRT volunteers

The night was a great success and RRT is grateful for the opportunity to help support the Urban Hope Centre in any way we can!

Galt 7

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