It is always very inspiring to see people go out of their way to help others. The Red Sky Ride is made up of men and women doing just that! It reflects true dedication and sacrifice, as  they ride to raise funds for cancer. Every rider commits to personally donating $1500 and raising a further $5000 before commencing the ride.

The riders cycle 1000kms over eight days across the South West of WA, testing the limits of their endurance to make a difference in the lives of those living with cancer and their loved ones.

RRT Gnowangerup were privileged to support the event this year and hosted lunch for the Red Sky Riders in Wagin and York on the 3rd and 4th of March 2016. It was a late lunch due to the impressive distance the riders had to cover, hitting the trail from Bridgetown to Wagin meant that they rode 157kms before they got lunch, with an even greater distance to be covered the following day from Wagin to York, 186kms!

The event went extremely well, the riders and support crew were very appreciative of the RRT’s service and food, one comment summed up the support by saying “it’s an oasis after you have ridden 100 miles to be served a burger like that and cold drinks”

RRT Gnowangerup enjoyed the opportunity to support these dedicated people, who raised over $330,000 this year to support Western Australians with cancer.


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