On 28th November 2015, a group of Wollongong RRT members gathered at the Beaton Park Athletics Stadium to hand out bottles of water to runners in the 100100’s charity event. This event has been going for a number of years now and has raised over $180,000 for local disability services.

About 430 contestants sprinted, ran or walked 100 metres, 100 times, in 100 minutes; that’s 10km in 1hr and 40 minutes! Even right to the very end there were people sprinting, with prizes being offered throughout the event by the organisers for the fastest run.

The RRT team was kept busy filling up eskies with water bottles, covering them with ice, then handing them out to contestants who gratefully grabbed them in the short interlude between laps.

One of the runners, Michael Rogers, is a Paralympian who is training to run in the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro!

The organisers & runners spoke appreciatively of the support, organisation and appearance of the RRT and look forward to our help in future events.

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