On June 11, a major fire broke out at Rockton Chemical Plant in Illinois, prompting evacuation orders for anyone within a mile of the explosion. The blaze continued to burn for several days, calling together firefighters from over 80 different Fire Brigades across Illinois and neighboring states. RRT volunteers from Chicago jumped into action to support, serving hot breakfast to firefighters arriving at the Rockton Fire House for their next shift.

By lunchtime, the word had spread through the small town of Rockton and RRT served over 160 burgers to the firefighters and also to the Families who had suddenly lost their jobs after the Chemtool Explosion.

In the evening, RRT volunteers were back at the grills, and this time to cook up a mouth-watering steak and potato dinner. After another long day, the steak dinner was a huge hit and very well received! RRT also provided hot meals to the Red Cross to help feed displaced families taking refuge in a nearby shelter.

As the light begins to shine at the end of the tunnel, we are only too happy that we could help in some small way, by showing our support to the community of Rockton.

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