The Rapid Relief Team (RRT) is continuing the national campaign to provide free meals to furloughed Federal Transport Security Administration (TSA) Agents, at dozens of major airports all across the United States. The RRT have been providing thousands of hot meals over the past week, to TSA employees, many of whom have shown outstanding dedication to their job, throughout the recent partial government shutdown.

As a result of the government shutdown, so many of the airport’s federal workers (TSA, FAA Air Traffic Controllers, FAA Tech Ops, and US Customs) have been continuing to serve their fellow citizens, without receiving a paycheck. This has taken a toll on many of the worker’s personal finances, stress levels and overall health.

The Rapid Relief Team from Columbus showed their gratitude to the TSA workers at John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH), for continuing to keep our Airports safe during these difficult times. On Thursday, January 23rd, RRT served 300 meals to the airport workers to show their support and recognition.

The Feedback from the TSA staff and manager is that is the hard work of RRT and other supporting groups, have made a huge difference for them during this difficult period.

Our compassion doesn’t end here! Every day in some small way, RRT volunteers offer a helping hand to those in need. For more information about the Rapid Relief Team TSA Campaign, go to RRT NEWS.


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