2nd April 2015: The PBCC’s Rapid Relief Team (RRT) responded yesterday to work with the emergency services and those affected by the underground blaze which saw flames and smoke erupt from beneath a major road in Holborn, central London.

An electrical fire led to the evacuation of almost 5,000 people from the surrounding areas. Arriving in the immediate aftermath of the incident, the RRT supported with Police and Fire Services throughout the evacuation. The RRT provided a calming influence to ensure that evacuation was smooth and efficient.

Over 100 fire-fighters and support crews attended the blaze and due to the demanding nature of their work it is vital they are supported with basic necessities. RRT worked throughout the night in difficult weather conditions to enable them to continue their work. As the blaze continued the Brethren set up a Command Centre where they established the needs of emergency services and, this morning, coordinated with local supermarkets and businesses to supply all the workers with breakfast.

The refreshments were appreciated by emergency service as RRT worked to keep morale high amongst the many crews on site.

RRT provided similar support at the arson attack incidents in Oxfordshire last month.

Mr Phil Brown, a member of the PBCC RRT who coordinated the response said: “It is vital that emergency services get the support required to help the community at such times. Our church is proud to work with the community and the emergency services to ensure that everyone has the supplies they require.”

Notes to editors

  • RRT is a not-for-profit organisation that provides benevolent relief to people in need
  • The team consists of volunteers of all ages, dedicated to serving the community
  • Its members are a part of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, who strive to practice true Christianity in our way of life. This includes being compassionate, active, and contributing citizens and doing what we can to help.
  • This long–held practice of helping others endures to today, under the banner of the Rapid Relief Team

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