On Saturday 9th May 2,500 runners arrived at the Lincolnshire showground to take part in this family focused fundraing colour dash to raise money for St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice – the first ever colour dash to be held in Lincolnshire!

St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice is a charity dedicated to caring for people who are suffering from terminal illnesses and their families across Lincolnshire.

The colour dash was a massively popular event, themed around the celebration of life and the appreciation of good health. Tickets sold out over a week before the race.  In total over £100,000 was pledged by the runners for St Barnabas – enough to pay for 146 days of inpatient care.    Described as the most successful event in the history of the charity.

The Rapid relief team were keen to support the local hospice and their offer was gratefully accepted by the events manager. The RRT supported the colour dash with over 100 volunteers and some came from as far away as Cambridge. The teams were involved in colour bombing the runners and providing water throughout the event for the participants RRT volunteers took responsibility for the clean-up of the showground at the end of the day.  RRT donated water and the paint for colour bombing to St Barnabas.

The colour dash saw runners as young as five hit with environmentally friendly powder paint.   Runners were sprayed at the start and then with a different colour was used to mark each kilometre of the race.   The air was awash will colour as the colour pirates did their job.

At the end of the race, the runners were each given a bag of colour, this was all thrown at the same time – the grand finale to a great day!

A wonderful day was had by all.

The events manager for the colour dash was very appreciative of the RRT’s assistance, she commented – ‘you guys, you were just amazing, you were like diamonds’. The RRT enjoyed the opportunity to support in raising money to help the terminally ill.  To make a donation to St Barnabas Hospice go to www.stbarnabashospice.co.uk.

Click here to view the Colour Dash Video

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