MS Bike provides Canadians with the opportunity to ride through scenic and often spectacular parts of the country while raising money to help end Multiple Sclerosis. Every year more than 10,000 cyclists participate in one- or two-day tours between June and September.
The early, sunny morning of July, 25, 2015, 1,581 cyclists began their bike ride for the MS Society in Grand Bend Ontario Canada. The riding commenced at 7:30am and bikers cycled through the scenic countryside to London, ON. They then rode from London, ON back to Grand Bend on July 26, 2015 to complete a total of a 150km ride.
On July 25, 2015, as riders began to preparing to begin their ride in Grand Bend, a team of 23 RRT volunteers assisted the MS team in London, ON with setting up for the day. The enthusiastic RRT team started by assembling tents and tables, cutting fruit, preparing sandwich wraps, bagels, filling coolers of water and drinks, as well as many other tasks. As the riders began to arrive, RRT volunteers met each one and offered hydration and refreshments as they crossed the finish line.
The first 2 cyclists to complete the 150km MS bike ride – Congratulations! Cyclist lining up for the RRT tent to receive cold water, Gatorade, sandwich wraps or fruit RRT volunteers handing out waters as the cyclists come across the finish line
This cyclist has completed the MS ride for the 8th year in a row. Congratulations from the RRT team! See him come across the finish line with the RRT volunteers cheering him on…
The busy RRT tent…helping all the cyclists and MS volunteers get hydrated and fed RRT volunteers at the finish line handing out waters
Many cyclists and other volunteers came by the RRT tent and express great thankfulness for all the hard work of the RRT volunteers. “We couldn’t have done it without you”, “The RRT is coming back next year – if you like it or not” “We appreciate your help on this great day for the MS research”.