It’s a tough and gruelling ride – over 320km of diverse terrain faces the riders on the annual “Sydney 2 CAMberra” charity ride. The ride raises much needed funds for families affected by SIDS and stillbirth. This year 86 riders participated in the event, along with 64 support crew members, and over $206,000 (and counting!) was raised. Spread over two days and divided into 4 packs the riders left Moorebank (Sydney, NSW) on Friday morning, and had a stopover in Moss Vale, NSW – with lunch provided by the Moss Vale  Rapid Relief Team (RRT). Despite heavy headwinds the riders eventually reached their overnight accommodation in Goulburn, NSW.

Saturday morning, with perfect sunny and clear conditions, the riders embarked on their final leg through to the nation’s capital – Canberra ACT. ‘A’ Pack riders arrived at the Gungahlin Marketplace at 12:00pm (situated in North Canberra) to be cheered into the venue by the Canberra Rapid Relief Team. With 19 local volunteers the RRT served over 200 beef burgers accompanied by fresh caesar salad and drinks. By 1:15pm all riders were fed; some riders managed to down 3 burgers before continuing on the journey!

Following the superb lunch the riders left for the final destination – Parliament House situated a further 20km on in the City. ‘A’ and ‘B’ pack riders travelled via Mt Ainslie to compete in the arduous “King of the Mountain” challenge (just in case the previous 320km hadn’t worn them out enough!)

The whole team then assembled at the Parliament House for photos and drinks served by the RRT who had also relocated to the new venue.

The RRT catering was received with much welcome and thanks – as one ‘A’ pack rider put it; “thanks guys, the food was great, great job – much appreciated.”

The organisers and support crews were also impressed with the effort – as Nadine, one of the event organisers, said; “We had you guys in Moss Vale as well – it was great, everyone was thrilled.”

See for more information.

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