AU – RRT Ipswich Support Cerebral Palsy Warrior Trinity Grace Harding Dec 2015

Rain failed to dampen the happy atmosphere at Robelle Domain Parklands in Springfield Lakes, Ipswich, Queensland on Saturday 12th December when many turned up to support 5 year old Trinity Grace Harding and her parents for their planned day. The event was arranged to create more awareness for Cerebral Palsy and to invite Trinity’s many supporters to come and meet her.
Baskin Robbins presented with show bags and vouchers and others supported by giving raffle prizes such as Team Danny Green fitness memberships and Barber gift vouchers. Trinity was delighted to draw the raffle winners out of the hat!
Rapid Relief Team offered to cater for the event, and enjoyed serving many hamburgers and hotdogs to the guests.
Trinity’s friend Phoenix Robinson gave the accompaniment of his guitar playing and singing throughout the day.
Trinity’s facebook page states that she is not a sufferer, she says “I am Trinity Grace, CP Warrior”, and she displays her determination to overcome with her happy spirit and beautiful smile. With the prospect of school ahead of them her parents’ goal is to get more therapy for her so she can continue to make progress; they have set up a charity Trinity Grace CP Warrior to keep them moving towards the goal.
Brendon and Carina, Trinity’s parents, expressed heart-felt gratitude to RRT for their presence and enthusiasm to help out, and said the work they do for the community is extraordinary. Some more feedback from the community was;
“Outstanding work that you guys do. Thank you for what you are doing for Trinity” [Geraldine Van der Merwe -Baskin Robbins]
“I love the way you guys are approachable. You love to have a chat and always have a smile” [Phoenix Robinson – Guitar artist]
RRT members enjoyed meeting Trinity and gaining a greater awareness on the Cerebral Palsy condition and the need of more support for CP sufferers across the nation.