Summer in Australia is officially bushfire season – it’s the season of scorching temperatures, dry winds and wild storms with flame-triggering lightning. These combined elements provide optimum conditions for fires to start suddenly and sweep through large areas at frightening speeds, leaving a blackened path of destruction in their wake. It is because of this that communities all across the country come together on the last day of Summer – the 29th of February – for “National Thank a Firey Day”. On this day, Australia takes the opportunity to say a big thank you to our firefighters (commonly known in Australia as firey’s) for not only the work they do in protecting rural communities from bushfires, but also the many other emergency services they are involved with.

The Cadets join the RRT Team for a group photo

In support of the cause and with an ‘attitude of gratitude’, the Emergency Services Cadet Group operating from the Cedar Creek and Wolffdene Rural Fire Brigade organized a special day for the local firey’s and their families. The Cadet group is involved in training young volunteers to learn a range of emergency service skills as an introduction to a career pathway or ongoing volunteering in the emergency services. The Cedar Creek and Wolffdene Rural Fire Brigade provide a place for the cadets to meet as well as training, resources and volunteering opportunities.

Cadets show their appreciation with a thankyou Firey Display

Brisbane RRT was glad to provide assistance in the preparation of a BBQ lunch and clean-up of the event. Hamburgers, cold drinks and fresh fruit salads provided the refreshment needed and were thoroughly enjoyed by all. RRT received positive feedback with one firey making the comment – ‘you guys are amazing; you just bring everything with you’ – and another – ‘we are so chuffed that you came to support us today’.

The Cadets and Fireys line up for a treat Fresh fruit – perfect for a sweltering Summer’s day A Firey shares his experiences while RRT team cook the BBQ

The dedication of the cadets was inspiring and encouraging to see – young men and women volunteering their time to become trained emergency workers from an early age, forming part of group of people Australia could not do without.

Altogether, the day was a rewarding one and RRT was honoured to be able to provide support for such a worthy cause.

The Jumping Castle proved popular Founder and Chair of Bravehearts – Hetty Johnson chats with RRT


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