AU – Bathurst RRT set up base camp at Perthville

Hells Hole Fire – A bush fire is burning 5km south west of the village of Trunkey in the Copperhannia National Park. The fire is covering 2656 hectares in size & currently out of control.
A base camp and catering facilities have been set up at Perthville to house and feed exhausted firefighters battling the Hell’s Hole and Dog Rocks fires near Bathurst.
The fires which started on Saturday from lightening were out-of-control by Sunday evening when the Plymouth Brethren Rapid Relief Team (RRT)
became involved. The RRT contacted local supermarkets, Bakeries, IGA’s and more to get essentials and received a fantastic contribution from the stores
Yesterday the RRT served hot breakfast to 220 tired firefighters who were in for “a hard day because of the strong wind” Fires are burning in very steep country and 13 aircrafts will be dispatched with retardant.
Preparing for mass breakfast: 400 eggs & 30kg of bacon where on the menu!Read more here