Cookie’s 4th Birthday!
Cookie the Kookaburra has turned 4!
Cookie, our supportive, compassionate, community friend always seeks to win the hearts and minds of our communities. Over the past year, Cookie has flown around the globe, from supporting those in Ukraine, by delivering over 2,511,852 meals to those displaced, to our Construction Community Connect events, here in the UK, where we act as a draw card for construction workers to speak about mental health. Cookie has seen it all, thanks to his help, the Rapid Relief Team have been able to positively affect the lives of many more this year!
As we reflect on Cookie’s support, take a look at the most memorable events he’s attend in the past year.
May 2022-
Operation 322 raises over £1,000,000 for the people of Ukraine!
June 2022-
Cookie flew all the way to the Presidential Palace in Warsaw to meet with the First Lady of Poland to discuss ongoing support for the people of Ukraine.
July 2022-
On the hottest day of the year, RRT were out in force in London, distributing chilled water to commuters and members of the public. Over 13,500 bottles were distributed at 3 Stations across the capital.
August 2022-
Following the bin strikes in Edinburgh, RRT were glad to support the council by providing bins across the city, to assist the clean-up operation!
September 2022-
Cookie swept into the Emergency Services Show, networking and meeting people from all over the UK.
October 2022-
Cookie launched Construction Community Connect, where we are working with the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, to increase attendance at stand-up days.
November 2022-
RRT supported numerous CEO Sleepouts across the UK, where big-hearted CEO’s sleep rough for one night, to raise money for the homeless.
December 2022-
Cookie and RRT volunteers were on a mission to give back. RRT delivered 600 Food Boxes to homes across the UK, this holiday season. Link to blog!
January 2023-
Cookie took to the Ronald McDonald House in Cardiff, to donate our Care Kits & Food Boxes to support the families currently living in the house, while also taking the time to deliver and set up the newly gifted garden furniture!
February 2023-
Cookie cheered on 200 cyclists who took part in a 555-mile ride from Cardiff to Edinburgh to raise awareness and funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). RRT volunteers from around the UK provided breakfast, snacks and our signature burger meal to keep the bikers energised!
March 2023-
Operation 322 reached a year, giving time to reflect on the support given in Ukraine. Link to blog!
Operation Reach: delivering aid to Turkey was launched, to support those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey.
April 2023-
The Cookie Colour-in competition begins! The Cookie Colour-In competition was established to commemorate RRT’s 10 Year Anniversary, with the winner’s design printed on a limited edition soft Cookie toy.