NZ – RRT supported Levin’s International Food Festival Feb 2016
After months of planning the Levin International Food Festival on 27th February 2016 proved to be a roaring success.
Levin communities pulled together to create the International Food Festival, a celebration of the diverse cultures that exist in our community. The event was organised by the Neighbourhood Police Support team and was highly anticipated and set in Solway Park in Levin south east corner, where the broadest range of cultures come together.
RRT tent alongside the Neighborhood Policing TeamHorowhenua RRT was involved from the initial stages by offering to showcase the Kiwi culture of BBQ sausages and bread, the staple of every summer BBQ.
Many of the people represented by the communities involved had an early start, with the aroma of the hangi and umu’s wafting over the park, greeting visitors who had come from all over to sample the free food and celebrate each other’s cultures.
RRT serve traditional kiwi style sausages and bread
The stands from Chinese, Thai, Greek, Maori, Samoan, Indian and many other nationalities and cultures came together with food being served from 10:30am to the 1000+ people who attended, with RRT serving 1300 helpings of sausages alone, along with free water bottles, right up until 2pm.
Attendee’s que at the RRT tent for their free food
The day was filled out with live music and entertainment from various cultural groups, with Kapa Haka and Pacific dance performances, making the day a roaring success that RRT was proud to be part of, in supporting our local community and drawing people together and respecting other cultures amongst us.