The Family Free Fun Day was held at Homai Primary School, in the heart of Manurewa on the 5th of November 2016. It was a day for giving the many families in the region who ‘live below the line’ and the many hungry children in South Auckland, to have a day out of fun for free.

This event was organized by Debbie Munroe. This inspiring woman has dedicated the past 3 years to helping those in need in South Auckland, all out of her own pocket.  She founded the ‘United We Stand’ group who started off feeding young people on the street and now helps them out with a variety of services, such as supplying clothing, hygiene products  and even picking up medical prescriptions.  This is the third annual Family Free day for South Auckland and it seems to be getting larger each year.

RRT Auckland were very priviledged to be present at the day and assisted with feeding the huge crowd of attendees. The team supplied 1260 fresh-made burgers and over 100 kilograms of hot chips throughout the day!  The day started off with setting up and preparing ingredients so the team was ready to go when the crowd arrived.  Gates were open at 10am and from there it was all systems firing!  The Rapid Relief volunteers were hard at work in the burger production line, manning BBQ’s, cooking chips and handing out water bottles throughout the entire day as the demand kept coming.

At the end of the day the locals that attended the event went out the gate with arm loads of freebies and full stomachs, very appreciative of the efforts put into the day by the volunteers from all the different organisations.

With the day being such a success the RRT team appreciated the opportunity to be involved and continue to stand in awe of Debbie and her team’s perseverance and genuine concern to help improve the lives of those living in need. We look forward to returning to this event next year!

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