Graham Woodrup, or ‘Woody’ as he was fondly known, was a visionary.

The Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay had a humble beginning, when in 1987, Hester Woodrup and a team of Port Fairy women challenged her husband, Graham ‘Woody’ Woodrup, and other local identities to ride in a relay from the Murray River in Mildura to the Moyne River in Port Fairy. The very first ride, which would raise money for the Port Fairy Hospital, started at 2pm on Saturday afternoon and with riding through the night, was completed within 24 hours.

The Riders

Right from the first ride Woody saw the potential for the event and his dynamic personality and enthusiasm in those early years established the M2M and enabled it to grow into the huge event it has become today.

That growth saw the event go from raising $10,000 in 1987 to an estimated $1.3m in 2016, when over 1200 riders in 72 teams rode on behalf of hospitals and health services throughout Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia.

Tragically, Woody’s life ended while on a training ride on the 17th February 1992.

While Woody threw out the challenge to everyone he met to get on a bike and have a go, he also set the example to be generous with your talents and help others whenever you have the opportunity.

In memory of this marathon man of Australian cycling, and to honour his commitment to raising funds for hospitals and health services, the Murray to Moyne continues on today, some 30 years after its inception.

Hungry riders tuck into tea at Stawell

RRT was very glad to be a sponsor of this year’s Murray to Moyne – and served breakfast at Swan Hill, and tea at Stawell for hundreds of riders.

2 BBQ’s in full swing Relaxing for a few minutes

At the finish of the ride at Port Fairy – the Rapid Relief Team Award was presented to the Casterton Memorial Hospital, for being the most courteous and well behaved support crew.

Another happy customer

During the presentations RRT was given specific recognition and thanks for its help and support, and acknowledgment of its help and support with emergency services involving RRT volunteers all over Australia.

Award presentations at Port Fairy

The Murray to Moyne Committee have expressed much appreciation and recognition of RRT’s involvement in the past 2 Murray to Moyne events, and look forward to the 2017 ride and RRT support once again.

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