Police Citizens Youth Clubs (PCYC) NSW is one of Australia’s leading youth organisations. It was founded in 1937and now has more than 60 clubs and centres across the state and around 85,000 members.

On Thursday 18th June Lithgow PCYC had their annual fundraising day, widely known as Y.E.S (Youth, Education and Services). The event was held at the Lithgow High School with students from years seven to nine taking part in a series of fun activities. The aim was preventative education, with student interaction with different areas of police representation –  including NSW Police Youth Command, Police Rescue, Riot Squad, Highway Patrol and General Duties. Activities included LIDAR (Laser speed detector) running competition and other displays focusing on reducing anti-social behaviour, cyber-crime, alcohol and drug abuse, risk-based behaviours and social media usage.

Some of the different branches of the NSW Police Forces on display, along with Lithgow’s mayor

PCYC requested the help of the Plymouth Brethren Rapid Relief Team (RRT) to cater lunch. The requirement was to feed 830 students as well as police and high school staff – all within a 45 minute lunch period, and only less than 2hour timeslot available before and after for set up and pack up!

830 Students (+ Staff and other volunteers) were fed in 45 minutes – what an achievement!

After some fairly extensive planning and preparation the RRT were ready, with two RRT trailers including 2 large marquees (rain was forecast), 4 BBQs, and an enthusiastic team.

The Team! Police, PCYC, School staff and RRT

The day turned out cold which made the menu of sausage sandwiches with onion, coleslaw, and sauce very welcome, topped off with tea, coffee and hot chocolate and some delicious home cooking. Also food and drinks for diabetic, gluten free and vegan were catered for. The 830 students as well as Police, High School staff, Mayor (Maree Statham) and other community members were fed in record time, with some coming back for seconds and even thirds. The free cold drinks were also received with great joy!

The Police who visited the school enjoyed the meal as well

The RRT were glad to have their services included in this event – Lithgow High School & PCYC serve a large area and have a great support system for disadvantaged youth. This day proved immensely beneficial for all who attended, and a great bonding opportunity between Police and students. Lithgow PCYC was very pleased with the funds raised and the RRT knows they will fund a very worthy cause. RRT would like to thank the PCYC for they do for the youth. Keep up the good work, we are glad to support you.

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