AU – Gympie RRT assists Victory Care Services with a free Christmas hamper distribution

On Saturday the 21st of December 2015, members of the RRT joined the team at Victory Care Services to assist with the Christmas Free Food Day Giveaway Program.
The food giveaway is a chance for the community to rally behind families doing it tough at Christmas, and the RRT were proud to be part of the event this year.
The RRT Team arrived at the Victory Care Barter Street Donation Centre at 6am. An eager line of Gympie locals of all ages had formed, many of whom had been there for up to an hour before our arrival.
The RRT got straight into action with setting up the tent to protect those in line from the sun, and began handing out water as the sun began to blaze.
Once everyone was well watered, the RRT began packing food for storage and later distribution. When 9am came, Victory Care Services, assisted by the RRT began to give out crates of food, including fresh, frozen and non-perishables to help ease December’s food budget, and keep the year end bright for families facing hardship. The team then assisted the families in carrying their goods to their vehicles.
RRT enjoyed being of assistance to their fellow Gympie townspeople, and are pleased to have been invited to assist in next year’s Christmas hand out by Victory Care Services.