AU – ASELLC Burnie Celebrates 5 Years Helping Autistic Children
Balloons, a jumping castle, kids, cake and candles…You guessed it…
A birthday party!
On the 17th of July, the Autism Specific Early Learning & Care Centre (ASELCC) celebrated their 5th birthday at the Hellyer College Gym in Burnie, Tasmania.
Starting in 2010, the Burnie Autism Centre was one of the first of its kind in regional Australia. These special people provide early programs and specific support for children aged 0 – 6 years with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). During the five years since opening the centre, they’ve worked with about 150 children from all over Tasmania and their families and have become the leading provider of autism services in Tasmania. The early intervention programs are intended, and have been proven, to have a positive effect on the long term future of these children.
At the College the weather was perfect. The day began bright and clear, and soon children (those who have previously attended the centre, as well as those currently attending), carers, family, supporters, and media were flocking to the party. Even the deputy mayor came!
Inside the gym there were plenty of experiences for the children to try, such as face painting, the jumping castle, bikes or trikes to whiz around on, balloon sculptures and a sandpit.
Catering was provided by the Rapid Relief Team, and 10 volunteers attended the day to serve the food, which left the staff of ASELCC free to enjoy the party with the children and their families, and particularly to catch up with those that had finished at the centre in previous years.
The RRT chefs cooked up 100 sausages on the BBQ. Plate after plate was served, along with tubs of fresh diced fruit, orange and apple juice, tea and coffee.
And then… a birthday party wouldn’t be complete without THE CAKE! Everyone gathered around to watch it being cut – it truly was the ‘icing on the cake’ for the day, making it a real party.
The day finished around 2:30pm, with everyone leaving happy (and possibly tired), but no doubt looking forward to ASELCC’s next birthday.