Disaster Relief – Tonga Volcano Eruption

The Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai underwater volcano near Tonga erupted on 15 January 2022. The volcano, sent a plume of ash soaring into the upper atmosphere and triggered a tsunami that flooded the coastlines and destroyed homes on Tonga and its nearby islands.
With ash blanketing everything and contaminating fresh water supplies all over the mainland and surrounding islands, what became apparent in the immediate aftermath, was the lack of safe drinking water and the complete destruction of people’s homes and livelihoods. Many only escaped with the clothes they were wearing.
Rapid Relief Team NZ, along with willing sponsors immediately organised a shipment of donated bottled water and our hygiene care kits for the shores of Tonga, to be distributed for relief to the disaster-stricken population.
We are humbled to have been able to show our support to the people of Tonga in the aftermath of the destructive eruption and tsunami. 12,672 water bottles and 350 personal hygiene kits were donated to the Tongan relief.
We wish the Kingdom of Tonga all the best as they rebuild their home and lives!