“World Smile Day is a day open to every one of us on this planet, it simply asks you to live the day with a generous heart, to do one kind act, to help one person smile. Acts of kindness and smiles are quite contagious…”

On the first Friday of every October, we celebrate World Smile Day. In 1963, Harvey Ball created the smiley face, which had gone on to be the most recognisable symbol of happiness and cheer throughout the world. Harvey decided that we should devote just one day each year to smiles and kind acts throughout the world.

Smiles and good cheer have been well-known to those supported by RRT. Recipients thank volunteers for a smile when they need it the most. Wherever you are in the world, whatever situation you may be in, a smile creates a sense of warmth and enjoyment, and that’s what RRT strive to do, with a smile we can do so much!

From Emergency Services to school children, RRT have supported and spread the smile to many recipients. Check out our video to see the smile in action!


"You guys had the best smiles, happy faces and hot drinks! You were the morale of the festival and kept us going! Thank you!"

RRT Recipient

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