Whangarei Soulfood is a charity run entirely on donations that has provided food and care to the homeless and needy in the area for the past six years.

Charity founders Rochelle and Chris Hewines are committed to providing meals twice a week on Monday and Friday nights, as well as food parcels for those who need them. Many of the community’s most vulnerable residents are now referred towards them from other welfare groups such as the Anglican Care Centre, 155, the Advice Bareau, and hospital social workers.

Rochelle hands out RRT blankets to the homeless


On 20th May the Whangarei RRT team got busy cooking over 200 delicious beef burgers  to make sure anyone who showed up at the Soul Food shelter that night wouldn’t go away hungry. They also donated 15 blankets and 10 hygiene kits for those without a roof over their head or with insufficient bedding. Along with the joy of providing to those in need, RRT was glad to give the shelter coordinators who work so tirelessly making meals twice a week a well deserved break from the menu planning.

Rochelle says, “RRT has helped us a lot over the last four years. They started helping us when we were in the bus stop on the street and came in and made sausage sizzles for these lovely people. They have now gone to making hamburgers… we can’t thank RRT enough.”

There was no shortage of burger servings for those who attended

A big thank you to Chris and Rochelle of Soul Food Whangarei for their ongoing amazing effort in running this food shelter twice a week- the RRT team look forward to helping out again in the future!


You can see more of what Soul Food do on:



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