Youth Without Shelter in Etobicoke is one of only seven shelters serving the 2,000 homeless youth in Toronto, Ontario. YWS relies heavily on donations of food and cooked meals to serve the always hungry 16 to 24-year-olds that call Youth Without Shelter their home. Many churches and businesses in the area support them by supplying food, drinks, computers and even bus passes.

Youth Without Shelter

This facility is run by the Wesley Urban Ministries which offers support and services to those that are suffering poverty from every stage and walk of life.  This organization has a mission to decrease barriers and increase opportunities for those in need.  Each of the programs offered have a vision that works toward social justice which helps give each and every person the opportunity of reaching their full potential.  Employment support and resources that are onsite help people come up with long-term solutions to homelessness.

RRT volunteers preparing the meal in the YWS kitchen

On Saturday April 28, six willing RRT volunteers arrived early to clean the kitchen and prepare to serve hamburgers, chips, cookies, and fruit to the youth and the staff of this amazing facility. Everyone was lined up ready to grab a burger long before dinner was announced, and it wasn’t long before just a few crumbs were the only thing left that would indicate there had been a large quantity of food present. Everyone went away full and happy.

Grilling hamburgers

The Youth Without Shelter has a full-service kitchen complete with walk in fridge and freezer, commercial dishwasher, a large grill and stove, plus all the necessary tools to make great food, making RRT’s job easy to complete and very enjoyable.

Adding the final touches

The staff and youth greatly appreciated the meal RRT volunteers provided and asked that we return soon – which, undoubtedly, we will.

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