1,628 bales of hay deliver hope to flood hit farmers in Lismore
In response to calls for support, RRT jumped in to action to bring relief to farmers through the Farmers Community Connect initiative.
RRT’s Farmers Community Connect (FCC) initiative offers a community day out for farmers to enjoy, with access to a BBQ lunch, coffees, local support services and a donation of fodder. Over the years, this event has come to the aid of farmers impacted by droughts, bushfires and now devastating floods.
Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience, the Hon. Steph Cooke MP, stepped out in support for farmers on the day.
“The weather events up here over the last five weeks have really taken a toll on the community and our hard working farmers have been really deeply impacted by not just one but two significant floods that have come through this area,” Minister Cooke said.
“We have heard of farmers who have had their stock marooned in patches of high ground but have been unable to get feed to them.”

With many farmers still stranded by flood waters and cattle marooned, more than 100 bales of hay were airlifted by helicopters to farmers flooded in, thanks to support from Rotorwing Helicopter Services and RFS Air Operations.
Farmers had saturated paddocks and limited feed due to the floods – making the high grade lucerne hay incredibly valued. Sadly, many farmers also lost high numbers of stock.

“We wanted to get here as early as we possibly could because people are desperate for help,” RRT Director Lloyd Grimshaw said.
“For those that can get here, it’s a great day to get off the farm, come in for a coffee, and a burger and a chat and pick up some hay while they’re here.” Lloyd continued.
28 trucks of hay were sourced from the Riverina, funded by RRT’s generous donors. The convoy travelled from Cowra and Yenda up the coast to Lismore, where flood waters were still receding.
"Huge amount of gratitude for the food. There will be some really happy faces this afternoon and that will help put a smile on my face as well," David said.
Local beef farmer, David Simpson, shared stories of how his head of cattle were washed away but how important fodder donations are.