US – RRT Helps at June 6 Tour De Cure in Knoxville TN

The Tour de Cure is a charity bikeathon that is used to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. The Knoxville bike ride had a number of different distances; 10 miles, 25 miles, 45 miles, 66 miles and 104 miles. Over 250 riders participated in the event so the Tour de Cure organisers were glad of any help they could get!
RRT began by helping sort the materials for the refreshment stops on Friday night. Early Saturday morning the volunteers set up at the 3 stops along the course that the RRT were to operate for the day, and anxiously awaited the first riders!
The day was very hot and as the riders began coming in the Rapid Relief Team dove into action. The participants were very appreciative of the readily available refreshments and it was a pleasure to serve them. Many of the riders have friends or family who are very sick with Diabetes and it was inspiring to see what an effort they were putting into this ride, in order to do something for their loved ones.
RRT had about 30 volunteers spread out among various positions, including serving food at the Colosseum, handing out the medals, running three refreshment stops and driving lost or sick riders to the necessary areas.
The day was a great triumph all round, with over $144 000 USD raised to support research and assistance for those living with Diabetes.
At the end of the day the main question from the RRT volunteers was “when can we do this again?