AU – RRT Ipswich Supporting Wesley Mission Fundraising for Fire Victims

A catastrophic house fire in Beenleigh, south of Brisbane, Australia, on the 14th of May 2015, resulted in the tragic loss of a 2 year old boy, Roman. It was Roman’s birthday and friends and family congregating in the backyard were horrified as they watched the blaze quickly engulf the home. Roman’s mother was able to save 4 of her children, but sadly, was unable to reach her 2 year old. When his father arrived home, firemen had to restrain him from trying to reach his little boy trapped in the inferno.
Wesley Mission, a Brisbane charity, planned a Community Day, designed to raise funds and assist the family in restarting their lives, and providing financial and material support. The event was held in the James Street Park, Beenleigh. Coordinator of the Wesley Mission, Ms Mellenie Mathieson requested that the RRT attend the Community Day and support the cause. The Ipswich RRT readily responded and set up their marquee alongside Wesley Mission, Rural Fire Brigade, Logan House Fire Support Network, children’s activities, raffles and musical entertainment on the day.
RRT and the Shadow Riders both supporting a worthy cause
The day was aimed at all ages and a cheerful spirit prevailed, thanks to the crazy clown, and supported by the charitable Shadow Riders team. The Ipswich Rapid Relief Team had a busy day, providing and serving food to the community. The food was paid for by tickets that had been purchased on entry, with all funds being directed to Wesley Mission. All told, 139 sausages, 80 burgers and 139 drinks were served and RRT members were encouraged by the many compliments that flowed their way. Patrons commended the team for their great meals, the friendly atmosphere, and efficiency. Louie Naumovski of Logan House Fire Support Network was overheard saying “You should have been here when they turned up – it was just like a process, they were set up in no time”.
Logan City Councillor, Jennie Breene congratulated RRT: “Thanks so much for all you are doing” “You’re doing a great job”. One little boy Jack, exclaimed to his dad: “This is the best day of my life!”
The Day was well-attended by the Beenleigh Community
The Community Day was a huge success, raising the much needed funds for the fire victims. It was an occasion where the community came together in a positive way, bringing enjoyment, activities and food together to provide for those who had suffered great misfortune and were left in need.
RRT is very sympathetic for Jared and Belinda and their loved ones and we trust that the support extended to them from the community will be a comfort to them and will assist them along the road to recovery from their devastating loss.